I got my name in lights with notcelebrity.co.uk

Monday, 6 August 2007

Del.icio.us and Technorati

Hi all

Well here I am again finally. The weather has not been too good so I've been busy curled up in my blanket asleep and have made myself a new tunnel under the bed. Yeah had to scratch it up good but now it's a great place to hide.....

Anyway have been exploring Del.icio.us. I think this is a pretty cool service as now I can keep all my favourites together from both work and home and get to them wherever I go. No more e-mailing myself URL's to add to various favourites lists. I have managed to create an account (oh no another different user name and password - however will my pea brain remember it?) and have uploaded the favourites from the home computer. I also checked out the UCOL Library del.icio.us site and like the way you can see who else has bookmarked the same sites as you and whatelse they have on their lists. This is a great way to find out about other good sites to visit. I think del.icio.us has potential as a learning tool as basically students could all contribute to 1 site and build a collaborative group of links to useful websites for their course or an upcoming assignment.

As for Technorati - ahhh well this is good for discovering blogs, videos and news on topics of interest. As for my blog here, I think enough people are finding this without me making it easier for them! According to my NeoCounter I'm getting visitors from around the world anyway so I've decided not to register and tag my posts. I'll stay as annonymous as possible for now (if that is at all possible in this technological world). As for the most popular things popping up when I looked I was pleased to see good old Harry Potter there (even thought I could find a ring tone for my phone but alas got led astray here) and also 3 different searches for Johana Cardona - so who's she anyway? Showing my ignorance obviously. Oh well so I looked a bit further and found she is famous as her ex-partner has leaked to the internet a sex video. There is no privacy in this world now.

That's it for me - miaow for now

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