I got my name in lights with notcelebrity.co.uk

Friday, 31 August 2007

Web 2.0 Awards

Hi there

Well I chose to check out the Widgets Web 2.0 sites and came across one called SpringWidgets. I have managed to create myself a widget that counts down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until I will have finished my Masters Degree. Unfortunatly there is a Java error on the page so it's not letting me post the counter to my blog however I do have it installed and counting down on my desktop. 45-20-09- and 45 seconds 44 .... 43 .... hey I'm getting closer all the time to the finish!!

There are all mannner of Widgets you can create for yourself or get from other people. Check them out here http://www.springwidgets.com/widgets/byCategory/10. This site is extremely easy to use and I can see many people having fun creating widgets for their blogs etc. I'm sure there must be some library related value in these - or is it that they are just lots of fun?!

Miaow for now

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